Beacon Hill North Trig Point
Trig Point In Seaham, County Durham
The Beacon Hill North trig point overlooks the North Sea (87m) near Seaham.
Height - 87m// Bracket - S4224 // Postcode - SR8 3UT
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This is the Beacon Hill North trig point (87m) near Seaham.

From the Easington Colliery Nature Reserve car park, head on the path north.
At the path junction head NW and head to a gap in the hedge that accesses a path heading north.

Continue north on the country lane. After passing a road on the left, take the next path on the right. This will take you straight to the field containing the trig.
It is less than 2km from the car park to the trig and only 50m ascent.
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Login To Bag Trig PointsHow To Find Beacon Hill North Trig Point
Where Is Beacon Hill North Trig Point?
Lat / Long
54.801473, -1.3155362
What three words
Where To Park For Beacon Hill North Trig Point?
Lat / Long
54.789524, 54.789524
What three words
Park in the Easington Colliery Nature Reserve parking area.
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