Beaumont Hill Trig Point
93m Bracket S4327 Darlington

Beaumont Hill Trig Point

Trig Point In Darlington, County Durham

The Beaumont Hill trig point sits on Tutin Hill (93m) near Darlington.

Height - 93m// Bracket - S4327 // Postcode - DL1 3NH

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This is the Beaumont Hill trig point (93m) near Darlington.

From the end of the lane, head up towards the farm. Where the road forks, head left.

Turn left through the farmyard. Once through the farmyard look right and you should see the trig and a wind turbine in the open field.

There is a wide area running up the right of the field which allows walking to the trig point possible without damaging the crop.

Once parallel with the trig, there is a small track direct to the trig point. This is quite an emotional spot with the memorials around the trig and beautiful views.

This route is only 0.6km.

Follow the above route, or find on OS Maps.

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How To Find Beaumont Hill Trig Point

Where Is Beaumont Hill Trig Point?

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Lat / Long

54.567374, -1.5563626

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Where To Park For Beaumont Hill Trig Point?

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Lat / Long

54.565289, 54.565289

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There is parking for one car at the end of the road to the farm.

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