Killhope Law Trig Point
673m Bracket S6664 Allendale

Killhope Law Trig Point

Trig Point In Allendale, Northumberland

The Killhope Law trig point sits on moorland (673m) near Allendale.

Height - 673m// Bracket - S6664 // Postcode - NE47 8AT

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This is the Killhope Law trig point (673m) near Allendale.

From the Lead Mining Centre, cross the road and head up the track.

Keep following the track as it heads north and then north east.

Turn left when you reach the junction, this will take you to the trig.

This route is 3km with 235m of ascent.

Follow above route, or find on OS Maps.

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How To Find Killhope Law Trig Point

Where Is Killhope Law Trig Point?

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Lat / Long

54.798274, -2.2823103

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Where To Park For Killhope Law Trig Point?

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Lat / Long

54.783622, 54.783622

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There is plenty of parking at the Lead Mining Centre.

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