Old Cassop Trig Point
Trig Point In Durham, County Durham
This is the trig point for Old Cassop (194m) near Durham.
Height - 194m// Bracket - S4180 // Postcode - DH6 4RR
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This is the Old Cassop trig point (194m) near Durham.
The landowner does not give permission to visit this trig pillar, therefore this was a virtual trig bag. This photo was taken from a gate on the westbound A181.

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Login To Bag Trig PointsHow To Find Old Cassop Trig Point
Where Is Old Cassop Trig Point?
Lat / Long
54.746922, -1.4635249
What three words
Where To Park For Old Cassop Trig Point?
Lat / Long
54.749421, 54.749421
What three words
There is parking outside the field gates for a quick photograph.
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