Royal Oak Trig Point
Trig Point In Bishop Auckland, County Durham
The Royal Oak trig point once stood in a plantation (223m) near Bishop Auckland.
Height - 223m// Bracket - S2997 // Postcode - DL4 1QF
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This is where the Royal Oak trig point once stood (223m) near Bishop Auckland.

From the car, cross the road and take the footpath to the left.
Keep your eyes peeled for a faint left fork in the path, following the fence line of the plantation.

Look out for the style into the plantation on the left.
From here it is a case of heading into the trees and finding the highest point in the plantation.
I found an oak tree that I like to think is where it once stood.

To see pictures and see the story of the demise of the Royal Oak trig, please click below link.
The route to get to the site of the trig is 0.3km.
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Login To Bag Trig PointsHow To Find Royal Oak Trig Point
Where Is Royal Oak Trig Point?
Lat / Long
54.619379, -1.6852146
What three words
Where To Park For Royal Oak Trig Point?
Lat / Long
54.619488, 54.619488
What three words
There is parking for several cars in a layby next to the mast.
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