Pikestone Fell Trig Point
387m Bracket S4236 Stanhope

Pikestone Fell Trig Point

Trig Point In Stanhope, County Durham

This is the trig point for Pikestone Fell (387m) near Stanhope.

Height - 387m // Bracket - S4236 // Postcode - DL13 2ST

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This is the Pikestone Fell trig point (387m) near Stanhope.

From the car park, follow the road N slightly before joining the track heading NE. Follow this track for 5.5km keeping your eyes peeled to the right. Once you spot the trig point, make your way down a heathery path to the trig.

This route is 6km from the car park with 55m ascent.

Follow the above route or find on OS Maps.

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How To Find Pikestone Fell Trig Point

Where Is Pikestone Fell Trig Point?

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Lat / Long

54.70034, -1.9424938

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Where To Park For Pikestone Fell Trig Point?

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Lat / Long

54.670992, 54.670992

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There is a large parking area on the east side of the B6278.

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