Sand Edge Common Trig Point
353m Bracket S4248 Stanhope

Sand Edge Common Trig Point

Trig Point In Stanhope, County Durham

The Sand Edge Common trig point is on Wolsingham North Moor (353m) near Stanhope.

Height - 353m// Bracket - S4248 // Postcode - DL13 3LU

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This is the Sand Edge Common trig point (353m) near Stanhope.

From the Tunstall Reservoir car park turn left and follow the road up to the wear, turn left and cross the wear. Stay on this track as it bends left then right and past Backstone Bank.

Continue along the path heading E. When the path comes to a junction, turning right follow this path S for a short distance before the trig point come into view on the left.

This route is 2.5km from the car park with 135m ascent.

Follow above route or find on OS Maps.

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How To Find Sand Edge Common Trig Point

Where Is Sand Edge Common Trig Point?

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Lat / Long

54.758627, -1.8814673

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Where To Park For Sand Edge Common Trig Point?

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Lat / Long

54.767074, 54.767074

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There is plenty of parking at the fishing lodge on the western side of Tunstall Reservoir.

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